- Just an update on our day in Santa Cruz which went very well except for one terrifying, horror filled experience! Well, since I have your attention, more on that later.
- Did the following at the house:
- Measured windows
- Measured for the kitchen counter and other things in the kitchen
- Lights – most lights need a good cleaning and replacement bulbs, some fixtures need to be replaced
- Water Heater looked fine, 40 gal
- Furnace looked OK, thought should still be serviced by a professional, so can be checked for CO2
- Only 1 Smoke Alarm, no batteries; should get 3 for bedrooms and make sure hall one works
- Cleaned a few spots on the Kitchen Floor with Spray & Wash, 90% gone, maybe still need a new one
- Electrical box looks OK and probably could run a few new lines if needed.
- Took the dryer screen out, will go the store on Monday, and order new one.
Oh yes, about that terrifying, gross, horror filled experience; from which I will never be able to look at a tub of Cool Whip again and expect a night mare tonight of giant gross green blobs jumping at my face and ….. WELL, it is just too much to go on, you get the picture. Someone unplugged the freezer and refrigerator in the garage. Normally this would be fine, since normal people come back and empty the contents before green and black and slimy, (Oh my God) blobs grow. Almost too much to go on, so I will skip a few parts. The garbage container is completely full after my visit to 312 Altivo Ave. I just hope nothing crawls out of it and attacks neighbors in the middle of the night. I don’t think I will watch the news the next few nights.
Later in the day, after lunch Ron, Babara and I went to a Window store and got a quote on Milgard windows from our measurements. Very pleased with the quote of $3362.06. This item was estimated on my list at $6K. They come to the house to confirm measurements and give a final quote, then 3-4 weeks install new windows.
We also went to Home Depot; found a nice front door $219, + install $347, + tax
Wednesday I still plan to go to the house and pack up lots of food items to take to the Food Bank. Clean the cabinets. Get a quote on the counter top
Please update us tomorrow after you meet with the prospective renter.
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