What do you have in you?

Ralph with Winelle, Les, and Elaine
Ralph with Winelle, Les, and Elaine
Now here’s a Ralph story.  Let me set the stage.  It’s Sunday morning, after breakfast, pancakes, and I was curious what nationalities were in the family.  I was only about 10 years old and didn’t know exactly how to ask this.  So, I asked
“Daddy, what do you have in you?” his reply–
“Oh, a little bit of meanness,”
“No, no, no! What do you have in you?” — his reply
“Oh, a little bit of kindness.”  Now, frustrated, I said,
“NO,NO,NO! What do you have in you?!?” his reply —
“A whole lot of hotcakes!”
That just cracked me up so much, that I ran into the house to tell my mother.

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