Category Archives: Craig’s Classics

Stories told by Craig Rhodes about growing up in Aptos and what it’s like to be in the Rhodes family.

What do you have in you?

Ralph with Winelle, Les, and Elaine
Ralph with Winelle, Les, and Elaine
Now here’s a Ralph story.  Let me set the stage.  It’s Sunday morning, after breakfast, pancakes, and I was curious what nationalities were in the family.  I was only about 10 years old and didn’t know exactly how to ask this.  So, I asked
“Daddy, what do you have in you?” his reply–
“Oh, a little bit of meanness,”
“No, no, no! What do you have in you?” — his reply
“Oh, a little bit of kindness.”  Now, frustrated, I said,
“NO,NO,NO! What do you have in you?!?” his reply —
“A whole lot of hotcakes!”
That just cracked me up so much, that I ran into the house to tell my mother.